December 12, 2007 Ural Center for Shared Use "Modern Nanotechnologies" of Ural Federal University (UCSU MN UFU) was opened in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Over the past seven years UCSU MN UFU became a regional referral center and a point of attraction for researchers in the field of nanotechnology, gathering together education, science and innovation process.
The main objectives of the Center, which brings together physicists, chemists and biologists are wide range of research tasks for teachers and scientists UFU, universities of the city and the region, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences institutes. UCSU MN UFU collaboraes with enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region, with high-tech manufacturing training in the field of nanotechnology. Center also plays an important role in an educational process of "Nanotechnology" undergraduates and graduates.
Currently UCSU MN UFU is one of the most well-equipped Russian Centres os Shared Use in the sphere of nanotechnology. It features the very latest examples of analytical and technological equipment for research and production of nanomaterials.
UCSU MN UFU equipment allows comprehensive studies of various nano-objects in a vacuum and liquid over a wide temperature range, including the 0.1 K without the use of a liquid coolant. Unique set of scanning probe microscopes: NTEGRA-Aura - with the possibility of measurements in a vacuum, NTEGRA-Therma - with the possibility of measurements at elevated temperatures, NTEGRA-Spectra - with the possibilities of scanning optical, near-field and laser confocal microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, Solver HV- MFM - for measurements at high vacuum and controlled atmosphere. There is a scanning electron microscope Auriga CrossBeam, Carl Zeiss with a focused ion beam systems and X-ray microanalysis, diffraction backscattered electrons, charge compensation and electron-beam lithography. Optical and mechanical profilers provide a measure of surface topography with sub-nanometer resolution. Analyzers manufactured by Shimadzu, Brookhaven and Malvern allow you to measure the size of nano and submicron particles. There is a SQUID magnetometer MPMS XL7, Quantum Design with a record sensitivity. In the "clean room" is available a set of modern equipment for photolithography. There installation of plasma etching. Machining crystal surface roughness of less than a nanometer provides. For the manufacture of nanostructured crystals and the synthesis of nanoparticles using laser technology.
UTSKP CH UrFU plays an important role in the development and popularization of the nanotechnology industry in the Sverdlovsk region. Center regularly visit the city, guests, officials, representatives of industry and science, students and schoolchildren. Total number of visitors over the past year and a half has exceeded one thousand.
For the development of the nanotechnology industry must not only modern scientific and technological equipment, but also advice of scientists. That is why UTSKP CH considered industrial enterprises of the Ural region, not only as a place for research using the most modern equipment maintained by highly skilled professionals, but also as a consultation and coordination center in the field of nanotechnology. In turn, help enterprises demand for innovation scholars. Interaction UTSKP CH with industry include: 1) to conduct comprehensive research on a unique analytical equipment, 2) services to the process equipment, 3) advice on the use and acquisition of equipment, 4) training and retraining of specialists in the field of nanotechnology.
Signed cooperation agreements with such large industrial enterprises as JSC "PA" Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant ", Moscow; NPO Automation, Moscow; JSC "Nanotechnology MDT", Zelenograd; and JSC "Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Company", Perm. On the example of NPK "Uralvagonzavod" pilot project on the interaction of advanced industry and modern science. Signed a cooperation agreement providing for the financing of R & D, and skills development enterprises in the field of nanotechnology. Performed research "Study of different types of structural steel for engineering methods of scanning probe microscopy." Using unique methods implemented on the equipment UTSKP CH yielded qualitatively new information about the characteristics of nanostructured surface layers.
Educational activities UTSKP CH is carried out using equipment shared by the staff of the Ural Federal University and the participation of leading Russian and foreign experts. Conducted retraining of representatives of educational institutions and industrial enterprises, as well as other categories of interested listeners.
Staff development industries include short-term training managers and specialists in 24 and 72-hour program. Course content varies according to the interests of a particular enterprise. Conducted workshops on samples of the customer. Using distance learning using "videoconferences." Very popular workshops at the training class SPM NANOEDUCATOR.